Partnership International - Sustainable Development
Business & Trade Development
Completed Project Portfolio
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Business & Trade Development

Our Senior Advisors and Technical Experts have completed the following assignments:

Non-traditional Infrastructure Investors – United States
PPIAF Investment Consultant helping to prepare a strategy and methodology for attracting nontraditional infrastructure investor in the World Bank – through the PPIAF database, identified who is investing in public-private infrastructure projects, how pervasive they are, where they are investing, and in which sectors.

Impact Assessment of the Privatization of 28 State-Owned – Cape Verde
Under a contract with Glocoms The overall objective of this project was to assess the impact of achievements with privatization since 1992 from a social, fiscal and developmental perspective, by analyzing a sample of 28 of the highest impact divestitures from 8 sectors, including industrial, banking, and public service enterprises, in order to determine the following: degree of success with achieving policy objectives, effectiveness of the institutional framework supporting privatization, lessons learned for future application, and pro-activity framework for policymakers. The consultant assessed the impact of privatization in Cape Verde on the following sectors: a) utility (power, water, post and telecom) (b) financial sector (c) transportation (d) manufacturing (e) hotels, (f) food import and distribution (g) agribusiness/ fishery, (h) petroleum distribution, (i) construction. With respect to the impact of privatization, the task included a focus on poverty-reduced analysis and study the impact on consumer benefits and whether privatization was pro-poor or not, whether there were any measures introduced to protect the poor, whether these measures were effective, more specifically, to assess to what extent specific pro-poor regulatory policies (e.g. tariff cross-subsidies, access subsidies,) have been effective.

Privatization Program POHL - Algeria
Under the Privatization Program in Algeria. 2004- 2006 EU project, the consultant was the team leader on the legal component of the project. Legal aspect of privatization, trade policy, investment promotion, one stop shop and land access, ESOP, BOT, BOO, airport, Port concession, water services with Public private partnership for theses activities. The consultant was one of the Ministry advisers regarding the legal aspect of the program. He reviewed regulation regarding privatization, Investment promotion, One Stop Shop and training program and he's implementing new policy. The consultant negotiated the term of the agreement and drafted contracts, such as PPP, concession agreement, shareholder agreement and by-laws.

MIGA – World Bank - Mali
The consultant developed an optimal business start-up process and workflow for Mali, taking into consideration the recent Law of Single Identification Number. He had to assess the capacity of the institutions that had been associated with the implementation of the business start-up process then he developed an implementation plan of the recommended business start-up process. He did a summary of the current business start-up system in Mali and recommended a new business start-up process, he established the budget for this new entity and he evaluated the required technical assistance needed for the implantation of this project. The consultant is now in charge of reviewing the consulting firms working for FIAS on; 1) Investment promotion; 2) One Stop Shop; 3) Commercial registration; and 4) OHADA’s code reform.

Economic Affair Officer - United Nations – UNCTAD - Benin
Under the supervision of the Officer in Charge of the Policy Review section, division of Investments, the Consultant carried out the following functions: Drafted specified input for technical paper and analytical studies on foreign direct Investment trends, national investment policies, the assessment of the policy and regulatory framework, investment strategy and investment opportunities. Identified and analyzed policy proposals for policy actions. Drafted a new regulatory framework on FDI for the Government of Benin.

Legal Expert Cultural Policy - Ministry of Trade and Cultural Affair - Lebanon
The consultant conducted a study of the overall cultural sector in Lebanon for the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. He identified the obstacles and constraints for this specific sector and presented the lack of vision and initiative. Then he proposed new strategies to enhance cultural activities and develop tourism activities based upon the country heritage and cultural diversity to enhance revenues for the country and allow the tourism sector to growth.

Export Development Strategy in East Africa - Kenya
Member of the EU team to evaluate and provide recommendations on the harmonization of investment and export incentives in Kenya.

Feasibility Study for Madagascar Free Zone for Gems Cutting Factory – World Bank - Madagascar
World Bank, Conducted competitive benchmarking, market assessment, analysis of the legal framework as part of a feasibility study for a free zone in Antanarivo in Madagascar to promote export development. Study included a location audit and competitive benchmarking of the site vis-à-vis competitor locations in the region; the identification of target industries for investment. Furthermore organized seminars and workshops with all ministries involve and private sector to streamline procedures and cut red tape in order to attract foreign investors. An institutional roadmap was done to identify bottleneck and procedures.

Cyber Park, Free Zone. Legal & Regulatory Component - Algeria
Under the Services Group, Inc for the World Bank, Algeria. Cyber Park, Free Zone. Legal & Regulatory Component Leader, on a feasibility study for a new cyber park in Algeria. Mr. Galant assessed fiscal and economic impact of the project on identified stakeholders in Algeria; Mr. Galant drafted new regulations on e-commerce, electronic signatures, and investment promotion to allow IT sector companies to operate in business-friendly environment. In addition, he created an action plan to reengineer legal procedures investors complete to establish and operate a company in Algeria. Mr. Galant also facilitated a workshop in Algiers to validate the feasibility study findings and to launch the Cyber Park’s final phase.

One Stop Shop and Micro Finance - Mali
Under the Services Group, Inc for Mali, developed marketing assignment for One Stop Shop and Micro Finance project, As Senior consultant, Mr. Galant went to Mali to identify needs from the Malian government in the following areas. Free zone, industrial zone, customs procedures, One Stop Shop and Investment Promotion Agency

Investor Roadmap and Free Zone Phase III – USAID - Morocco
Under the Services Group, Inc for USAID, Morocco Investor Roadmap and Free Zone “Phase III”, Morocco, (Senior Consultant, Interim Chief of Party, and Legal Reform Component Leader. Managed Legal Component government process re-engineering pilot exercise, and legal & regulatory reform effort. Mr. Galant participated in designing project action and implementation plans. He also set up and launched a fully operational field office, identified and assessed regulatory bottlenecks, and recommended reforms to streamline investment start-up and implementation in Morocco. Mr. Galant personally drafted industrial and Free Zone zones legislation, and reviewed numerous laws and regulations on land use, and suggested relevant reforms and amendments. He designed the framework for a new regional investment agency. Mr. Galant designed investment promotion strategies for the investment agency and developed techniques for executing successful marketing missions. Moreover, he provided extensive formal and informal training on investor friendly techniques, marketing strategies, and aftercare services for agency staff.

Saudi Arabia Administrative Barriers Study - World Bank/FIAS - Saudi Arabia
Member of the World bank team sent to Saudi to reviewed and made suggestions for changes to laws, decrees and regulatory directives for business establishment and operating requirements in Saudi Arabia from the vantage point of international “best practice” standards. We established a model to restructure SAGIA (the investment promotion agency) and designed a client service system. We Suggested changes that could help the country to become more attractive as a location for foreign investment and provided best practice reviews of the process of instituting and pursuing a commercial claim via the courts, national arbitration, and/or other national or international dispute settlement mechanisms against individuals or the Government. Mr. Galant clarified how the Sharia and secular legal systems interact to affect the quality of the legal regime from the point of view of a foreign investor. We precisely determined the legal basis for administrative procedures dealing with corporate taxation and incentives, customs, investor entry (visas), labor, forming and registering a company, land ownership and development.

Algeria Investor Roadmap – USTDA - Algeria
USAID, Algeria Investor Roadmap, Mr. Galant co-authored a report detailing the steps necessary for a business to become legally established in Algeria. He also identified regulatory bottlenecks and recommended reforms to streamline investor start-up by comparing business start-up delays in Algeria with international best practices. Mr. Galant also assisted the agency in establishing a one-stop-shop and in streamlining licensing and permitting processes. The Report focused on Algeria’s telecommunications deregulation, intellectual property TRIPS-compliance, legal dispute settlement, banking & financial law, tax & investment incentives, competition law, labor and social security law, public procurement, and trade regimes.

UNDP– Bosnia-Herzegovina
Designed and carried-out UN-funded Balkan-Youth Entrepreneurship Training & Mentor Program with UNVs to help youth successfully start and run a Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Balkans.

World Bank/IFC - Balkans
Developed a SMEs Balkan Web Portal comprising: regional business news, e-government forms, information resource database, local advisors and consultants, regional and international trade, and investment and financing resources.

Prizma Micro Enterprise Loans
Developed overall promotion for Investor relations communication strategy (web, print and annual report) for USAID-funded Bosnia Microfinance for Women small businesses.

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Our Public-Private Sector Development practice covers the following areas:

> Business & Trade Development

> Poverty Reduction

> International Collaboration

For further details on our transportation capabilities, please review our principals’ sample project portfolio.

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